Q: In the United States, how much is redeemed in coupons each year?
—Rick Wright, Auburn
A: An estimated 3.3 billion coupons for consumer packaged goods were redeemed in 2010, at an average face value of $1.12 each, according to data from Inmar, a Winston-Salem, N.C.-based coupon processing firm that studies coupon promotions. Those redemption levels held steady from 2009, when the number of coupons redeemed increased 27 percent from 2008. About 2.1 billion coupons for food were redeemed in 2010, representing 65 percent of all coupons redeemed. Non-food redemptions included 1.2 billion coupons, which represented 35 percent of total redemptions. Total coupon distribution volume increased 8.1 percent, from 308 billion coupons in 2009 to 333 billion coupons in 2010. The value of all coupons distributed was roughly $523 billion, up $76 billion -- 17 percent -- from 2009. "On average, every person in the United States was offered $1,677 in coupon savings; however, consumers only took advantage of $2.9 billion of these savings or $10.57 per person," according to Inmar's report, published in February. Affluent households are more apt to use coupons, according to research by The Nielsen Co. A 2010 Nielsen report found that 38 percent of "super heavy" users and 41 percent of "enthusiasts" are from households with more than $70,000 in income.
Lori Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or e-mail q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).
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