Tex McIver sells late wife’s clothes, jewels as police probe shooting

December 2, 2016 Atlanta - Christy Ogletree Ahlers, owner of Peachtree Battle Estate Sales and Liquidations, prepares for the estate sale of Diane McIver’s wardrobe next week as she is surrounded by more than 2,000 of Diane McIver’s clothing and jewelry items in a warehouse showroom at Peachtree Battle Estate Sales and Liquidations on Friday, December 2, 2016. More than 2000 of her articles of clothing, jewelry, hats and shoes are on display in his warehouse showroom. Tex McIver has enlisted an estate liquidation company to sell more than 2,000 of his deceased wife’s clothing and jewelry items. HYOSUB SHIN / HSHIN@AJC.COM

December 2, 2016 Atlanta - Christy Ogletree Ahlers, owner of Peachtree Battle Estate Sales and Liquidations, prepares for the estate sale of Diane McIver’s wardrobe next week as she is surrounded by more than 2,000 of Diane McIver’s clothing and jewelry items in a warehouse showroom at Peachtree Battle Estate Sales and Liquidations on Friday, December 2, 2016. More than 2000 of her articles of clothing, jewelry, hats and shoes are on display in his warehouse showroom. Tex McIver has enlisted an estate liquidation company to sell more than 2,000 of his deceased wife’s clothing and jewelry items. HYOSUB SHIN / HSHIN@AJC.COM

Diane McIver’s lavish clothes and jewelry are for sale.

As police continue to investigate the Atlanta businesswoman's shooting, Tex McIver is selling his late wife's possessions at an estate sale next week expected to bring in thousands of dollars. The collection is promoted as a "Fashionista's DREAM Closet" by the Buckhead company running the sale.

Tex McIver shot and killed his wife a little more than two months ago as the couple rode back to their Buckhead condo after a weekend at their horse ranch in Putnam County. He has said it was an accident.

The sale features some 2,000 items of Diane McIver's - including Jimmy Choo shoes and more than 100 fur coats.

“The whole situation is unique,” said Robert Ahlers, owner of Peachtree Battle Estate Sales & Liquidations.

McIver's attorney, Stephen Maples, said Friday that McIver is executor of his wife's estate and the wardrobe sale next week is simply part of the process to settle her affairs.