New item-DOT

David Lash has a problem with a busy intersection.

“Something must have recently happened to the traffic light timing at the intersection of Interstate 85 and Clairmont Road in DeKalb County. I use this exit every day around 4:15-4:30 p.m. having driven northbound on I-85 and then turning right on Clairmont. Prior to a few months ago, I would usually stop at the light to turn right onto Clairmont, and there are usually about 7 or 8 cars lined up with the right turn lane usually able to keep moving and merging onto Clairmont,” he wrote.

But, about a month or two ago, the traffic lined up behind the light backs all the way up the 85 access road and also the exit ramp often all the way to the interstate where cars are actually stopped in the right lane on I-85 waiting for the light about a quarter mile away on Clairmont Road, and wait through two or three or more cycles of the light.

“Yesterday I looked over at the southbound 85 access road and noticed a long line of cars heading to the light on the other side of the interstate at Clairmont which they share with the I-85 southbound ramp, so it also looks like the southbound ramp may also be impacted as well,” he added.

We sent the item to the DOT.

Days on list-2

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of Transportation,

New item-Atlanta

Charles Kerns has a problem with a fire hydrant.

“I own a business at 760 Ponce de Leon Ave. called the Local. We are in the area now referred to as the ‘Beltline Overlay’ and just east of Ponce City Market. On the night of May 23 a car ran off the road and took out the fire hydrant in front of my business — a hydrant that would be used in an emergency to fight a fire at my business and the entire 700 block of Ponce de Leon,” he wrote. He said in July he sent an email to Public Service Commissioner Mendoza.

“I immediately received a response stating that my message had been received. To date nothing has happened to remedy this dangerous situation,” he added. We sent the item to the city and will keep you updated. City officials said the hydrant would soon be replaced.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240,

Fixed! DeKalb County

Fred Pollard has an issue with a drainage area.

“The damaged drainage pit across the street from 831 Clifton Road NE in Druid Hills has been a hazard to both pedestrians and vehicles for several months. This is an example of the inadequecies of the Dekalb County government that make residents of unincorporated DeKalb want to flee that government,” he wrote.

We sent the item to the county and learned it had been fixed.

Days on list-2

Who got it fixed: DeKalb County Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan ,