New item-Department of Transportation

Robert Michener hopes something can be done about a damaged guardrail.

“I wanted to bring a guardrail to your attention in hopes of getting it corrected. The location of the guardrail is located just south of the Gwinnett County line on Dawson Boulevard in DeKalb County. I drive by this location periodically and have noticed that it continues to go untouched almost a year after being destroyed. This guardrail serves a very important purpose due to the steep embankment it protects and the very tight two lane road it is on,” Michener said.

We learned the road is under the control of the DOT and will keep you updated.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of Transportation,

New item-Department of Transportation

Jacob Crouch hopes a curb can be installed soon.

“There is no curb on the west side of Roswell Road in the 4200 block in North Buckhead/Chastain Park (cq) area. The asphalt of the street is at the same level of the sidewalk, sometimes the asphalt is actually higher. This is extremely dangerous for all pedestrians who use the sidewalk,” wrote Jacob Crouch.

Crouch said he called the city council to ask if perhaps some of the money from the recent successful infrastructure bond issue could be used to build a proper curb, perhaps 8 to 10 inches above the street level.

“The very competent and courteous staff member told me that Roswell Road (cq) and its sidewalks are the responsibility of the state of Georgia, not the city of Atlanta,” Crouch added.

We will update you when the area is fixed.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of Transportation,

New item-DeKalb County

Beth Schumaker hopes something can be done about the state of roads in DeKalb County (cq).

“Houston Mill Road between Clifton Road and LaVista Road is badly in need of being repaved. What is happening with DeKalb County that they are not repaving roads that are terrible? There are multiple major roads that are in dismal condition,” she wrote.

We sent her issue to DeKalb County and will let you know when it’s fixed.

Days on list-20

Who’s looking into it: DeKalb County Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan