
Earlier this month, we told you about a resident’s frustration with a ramp on 1-285.

“Would you please tell the proper jurisdiction that the traffic signal at the off ramp of I-285 West at Riverdale Road is timed incorrectly. The red signal for the ramp traffic holds entirely too long while the green signal for Riverdale Road is basically handling a minute traffic flow compared to what’s backing up on the ramp,”wrote Curtis Ball.

We heard back from the DOT.

“Our Regional Traffic Operations Program monitored the intersection during the a.m and p.m peak. They made adjustments to the traffic light timing. The lights are working without delay for the I-285 WB ramp. Over the next few weeks we will be in the process of retiming this intersection. Nevertheless, we will keep monitoring this intersection and make adjustments if needed,” wrote DOT’s Annalysce Baker.

Days on list: 20

Who’s looking into it:

Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of ‍Transportation, ndale@dot.ga.gov .


In early January, we told you about a reader’s concern over Murphy Avenue.

“Murphy Avenue is plagued with rogue illegal dumping. It starts with a metal scavengers who steal Herby Kirby’s from the neighborhood residences,” the reader wrote.

The reader added once the Herby Kirby’s are filled with metal scrap they take it to the recycling center on Murphy Avenue.

“They get paid for their metal then abandon the carts on the side of the road.

We heard back from the reader.

“Thanks Fixit , this is the second or third time I had to resort to using AJCfixit to get garbage pulled off Murphy Avenue. I appreciate your service. I wish there was a more direct route for me to accomplish this,” the reader wrote.

Days on list: 50

Who got it fixed: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240, rmendoza@atlantaga.gov

Update-Hillside Drive

In July, 2012 we first told you about a resident’s plea to get Hillside Drive paved.

“On July 16, 2012, the AJC published a request by a citizen to get this street paved. The AJC reported on Sept, 10, 2012 that is was on the city’s priority list. Two years later the same citizen wrote you (AJC) that nothing had happened, and the response was that Richard Mendoza, Commissioner of Public Works would be looking into it,” wrote Ann Boyd.

We received an update last week from the city’s Department of Watershed Management.

“My apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and your neighbors. This particular sewer work project has been assigned to a contractor. We are in the process of finalizing the schedule for work to begin. We anticipate them

getting started towards the end of February or the first week of March, weather permitting. Once the sewer work is completed Department of Public Works will resurface the road,” wrote the department’s communications director Scheree Rawles.

Days on list: more than two years

Who's looking into it: Department of Watershed Management department director of communications and community relations Scheree Rawles, SCRawles@AtlantaGa.Gov.