New item-Atlanta

A resident is beseeching the city to do something about a water leak.

“I ride my bike past Turner Field every weekend and there is a water meter leaking a significant amount of water at 55 Capitol Ave SE. It has been leaking at least seven weeks, probably longer. A significant amount of water is flowing out of the meter and running down the street into the storm drain,” wrote Scott Bowdon. Bowdon said he called the Department of Watershed Management, but the problem still persists.

“As much attention as we pay to the drought and water shortages, I am shocked that the city has been so slow to repair this leak in such a prominent location. Thousands of gallons of fresh, clean water have been wasted at this location,” he added.

We sent the problem to the city and will keep you updated on the situation.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: Department of Watershed Management department director of communications and community relations Scheree Rawles, SCRawles@AtlantaGa.Gov.

Update-DeKalb County

In late November, we told you about Beth Schumaker’s concern over dangerous tree limbs.

“On Briarcliff Road from Clairmont going north to Briarlake Road, there are a large number of overgrown tree limbs that curve over the road and rest on power lines as well as just lean very precariously over the road. This situation is very dangerous for a number of reasons,” she said.

We got a response back from the county.

“If the trees are on the right of way blocking view and creating an unsafe environment DeKalb Sanitation will remove them. However, if the trees are under or over power lines or subject to failing onto power lines, DeKalb will contact the appropriate utility to handle,” said county spokesman Burke Brennan.

Days on list-21

Who’s looking into it, Burke Brennan,

Update-DeKalb County

On Nov.17, we told you about Bob Lawson’s issue with a pothole.

“There is a growing hole on South Pineview Court covered by a steel plate. The nearby residents told me the county just put a bigger plate over the whole than was required before. This has been going on one to two years or longer, according to them,” he said.

We heard back from the county.

“That pothole on 420 S. Pineview Court is scheduled for a large patch within the next 30 days, weather permitting,” said county spokesman Burke Brennan.

Days on list-28

Who’s looking into it, county spokesperson Burke Brennan,