Update-DeKalb County

In July, we told you about a resident’s issue with a sidewalk.

“We live on 1366 Emory Road in Atlanta in DeKalb County. A long stretch of the sidewalk on our side of the road is in a state of serious disrepair. Months ago, the county marked those sections, but we are still waiting for them to come and do what needs to be done,” Samar Mitra wrote.

We received the latest update from DeKalb County that the project was assessed by engineers and scheduled. According to the schedule, the completion is still approximately two weeks out, weather permitting.

Days on list: 27

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Update-DeKalb County

Also in July, we told you about the mystery of a missing sewer grate.

Alice Gepp said there is a missing sewer grate near a historic neighborhood near Lullwater Road and Ponce de Leon Avenue. She said if you take a left from Lullwater, before you turn on to the street there is a sewer grate missing.

“My car sunk down into it and it didn’t hurt my car, but I’m surprised it didn’t. A motorcyclist would not have survived it I am sure,” she added.

DeKalb officials found no grates missing from Lullwater Road to Lullwater Parkway. The department also reviewed grates from Lullwater Road to Ponce de Leon Avenue and Ponce de Leon Avenue to South Ponce de Leon Avenue. The department did notice and observe two grates at the corner of South Ponce de Leon Avenue at Ponce de Leon Avenue with the outside grate facing “Shady Side Park” depressed about six inches down. The county is unable to repair these grates as the location and area at Lullwater Road and Ponce De Leon Avenue. is outside of DeKalb County and falls within the city limits of Atlanta.

Days on list: 20

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

New item-Atlanta

One of the biggest complaints we receive from readers is about different and dangerouus types of holes. Whether it’s potholes, dips in the road or holes in grate, our eagle-eyed readers spot them.

This week, Mike Smith pointed out a hole in front of 364 7th St. NE in Atlanta. We sent the issue to the city.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner William Johnson, 404-330-6240, wmjohnson@atlantaga.gov