Following a series of public hearings, the Suwanee City Council voted June 23 to adopt the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program. The $13,438,080 budget represents a $452,500 or 3.3 percent decrease over the final 2020 budget.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all revenue projections were reduced to recession activity performance using 2008-2012 data. The city anticipates a 13.9 percent decrease in operating revenues and 6.6 percent decrease in property tax revenue compared to FY 2020.

To counter reduced revenue, the city has budgeted a 3.3 percent decrease in operating expenditures and will utilize fund reserves to balance the FY 2021 budget. Currently vacant positions will remain vacant and “pay for performance” increases are on hold for FY 2021. The employer matching 401A program is also on hold for FY 2021.

The city will vote in August to maintain the same millage rate as 2020 at 4.93 mills.

The 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program totals $24,695,178 over five years, and includes funding for city and police vehicle replacement, the Main Street Realignment project, Settle Bridge Road project as well as other transportation and infrastructure improvements.
