If you can't, or won't, care for a child, don't bring one into this world.
If we need a new dome to get events like the Final Four, how did we get the Final Four this time?
How can we hope to attract manufacturing to a state that prides itself more on its athletes than its educational system? We rank 45th in SAT scores, yet we're spending $1 BILLION on a stadium?
Here's how to deal with Kim Jong Un: tell him if he doesn't straighten up, he'll never see Dennis Rodman again.
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity and I can't put it down.
My unemployment is neither down or up. It just continues.
So kids whose parents don't know how to manage money have no right to learn it in school? How selfish of you!
I want to vent because the vent people will never publish my vents.
Religion flies you into buildings; science flies you to the moon.
The "media" didn't report that unemployment was down. The government reported it. It's the same government agency that gave the reports for Bush and Bush Sr., Reagan, etc. Give up the "skew the numbers" talk unless you're going to do it for them too!
We have paid for every president's living exspenses! Why are you all complaining about Obama's? Never mind; we all know why!
So when did we get this notion that Spring Break means spend a lot of money on a vacation? It's a break. Planting a garden could be just the break you needed from an ordinary week.
Watch the Masters on TV and see the true beauty of a Georgia Spring.