Sons of Confederate vets have a full plate

A sample of the new Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate. (Image downloaded from the state Revenue Department website.)

A sample of the new Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate. (Image downloaded from the state Revenue Department website.)

One hundred fifty years after their fathers lost the Civil War, the Sons of Confederate Veterans are celebrating the sales of their commemorative license plate, which has not one but two images of the Confederate battle emblem.

Who benefits?

The Sons, of course. They get publicity, like this, disproportionate to their tiny numbers in the state. They also get $10 a plate.

Northerners, too. They love it when we do things like this because it feeds their suspicion that, even now, people in the South are backward.

We also get to recall an event that burned our city and wiped out a generation of young men on both sides.

But it is a handsome plate.

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