With renewed interest from developers in building Snellville’s 2011 Towne Center Plan, the city has realized many of the city’s zoning and development regulations are outdated.
“We’ve identified the kind of growth we want but our regulations don’t always support getting it built. Or built easily,” said Snellville Mayor Tom Witts.
As a result, Snellville approved a contract Monday for Atlanta firm, TSW, to assist in developing a Unified Development Code to clean up inconsistencies in existing regulations, simplifying content, increasing flexibility, and encouraging the kind of redevelopment envisioned by the community, all in one document. The process will also provide opportunity to examine issues citywide, ensuring future development more in line with resident preferences. The first phase of the project is devoted entirely to community input.
“We need to understand what people want and what they’re concerned about,” Witts said. “So Job One is listening. There’ll be all kinds of opportunities to contribute — meetings, focus groups, even a dedicated project website with ongoing updates.”
The process is expected to launch in March and continue for 14 months.
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