Retired Smyrna Mayor A. Max Bacon will be honored by his city with a monument sign on Smyrna City Hall.

The estimated $14,000 cost for the sign from the city’s contingency fund was among those fees approved 7-0 on Feb. 17 by the Smyrna City Council.

Bacon served the city as mayor for 34 years and city councilman for six years before then, succeeding his father Arthur T. Bacon as mayor when he died in 1985.

Other costs coming from the city’s contingency budget - that were not included in the adopted Fiscal Year 2020 budget - are:

  • $172,310.40 (with $71,183 from contingency; $60,000 from savings on the Police Department parking lot resurfacing; $22,772 from senior crime analyst vacancy and $18,356 from two jail detention officers) to cover the annual maintenance on the Axon Enterprise contract that provides body cameras and in-car cameras for the Police Department.
  • $15,000 for the salary difference and overlap of time for the new Human Resources Director Carol Sicard.

The balance in contingency before these transfers is $261,083.

With total contingency requests comprising $100,183, that leaves $160,900 for the remainder of the year.