The Smyrna City Council voted recently to approve a new budget that calls for no millage rate increase but higher property valuations.

This recommended budget of $93.2 million for Fiscal Year 2017 will last from July 1 to June 30, 2017.

The city’s budget includes nearly $44.5 million for the general fund, $26.8 million for the enterprise fund, $17.4 million for the capital project fund, $3.5 million for the special revenue fund and $949,000 for the internal service fund.

General fund revenues are projected to be up $2.3 million over the prior year, which is mainly from the Cobb County Tax Assessor’s re-evaluation of residential property.

Although the city’s millage rate will remain the same at 8.99 mills, the net tax digest will rise by 7 percent due to higher valuations and new development.

The contingency budget is recommended at $609,000, including about $270,000 for an employee merit increase in January 2017.

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