Cigar specialty shops, also serving alcoholic beverages, were approved 7-0 on Sept. 5 by the Smyrna City Council.

Now cigar specialty shops in the city will operate in the same manner as wine specialty shops and growler specialty shops, amending several ordinances.

The net effect of these amendments will allow cigar specialty shops to sell alcoholic beverages to be consumed on site under certain circumstances as long as no more than 25 percent of the shop’s gross income comes from these sales.

Councilman Doug Stoner said someone wants to open a cigar specialty shop with alcohol service in the city near The Battery Atlanta and SunTrust Park.

Since similar shops are allowed in unincorporated Cobb County, Stoner said he believed the same services should be offered in Smyrna.

City Attorney Scott Cochran said these shops will have to prove themselves “to truly be a cigar specialty shop to benefit from this ordinance.”
