A member of the Mercer University dance team didn’t fare so well in her “silly” slam-dunk attempt this week at a Mercer basketball event.

However, the failed attempt by Jenny Mazurkiewicz has morphed into quite a bit of internet buzz, the Telegraph of Macon reported.

A Mercer basketball player tweeted out a video of her attempt, which ended up with the unanchored goal tipping over on top of Mazurkiewicz, the paper reported. The video has been viewed over 1.2 million times on the House of Highlights Instagram account.

“I never imagined that something so silly that I did could blow up the way it has,” Mazurkiewicz, a former Greater Atlanta Christian student, told the paper. “I’ve seen myself on ESPN. I’ve had people contacting me that I haven’t seen in years, and they’re like, ‘Was that really you in the video?’ So it’s been funny.”