A $2.8 million budget increase and a 56-day extension for the completion of certain work at the City Springs downtown redevelopment were approved recently by the Sandy Springs City Council.

The Council, meeting as the Public Facilities Authority, approved the increase in Holder Construction Group LLC’s guaranteed maximum price for the project to $191.8 million. The change order covers such additions as a park fountain, power and water enhancements and acoustical upgrades to the performing arts center.

The development’s overall budget does not change and remains $222.7 million, officials said. The work extension formalizes a request made in December; the planned opening of the project remains the summer of 2018.

City Springs will include a new city hall, 1,100-seat performing arts center, office space for city departments and private-sector tenants, retail, restaurants, luxury apartments and new park space.

Information: http://citysprings.com/