The Sandy Springs City Council has awarded a $279,481 contract for recreational improvements at Lake Forest Elementary School.

Woodwind Construction Co. submitted the lower of two qualified bids, according to a staff report to the council. Lake Forest School, 5920 Sandy Springs Circle, will get site grading and drainage, modifications to existing storm structures, installation of synthetic turf and a concrete curb, and minor erosion controls.

The project was let for bid twice; the first round of bidding, in July, produced a low bid nearly $80,000 over budget. Changes were made and another invitation for bids was issued, but lowest bid was about $47,000 over budget.

Staff recommended against further changes, and asked the council to authorize $65,000 from the Capital Contingency Account to cover the deficit plus unforeseen conditions.

Under an intergovernmental agreement with the Fulton County Board of Education, Sandy Springs makes capital improvements to schools in exchange for access for city recreational programming and youth camps.