Roswell offers behind-the-scenes look at government

Roswell residents are promised a behind-the-scenes look at city government with the free, nine-week, City of Roswell Education and Engagement (CORE) Community Program. CITY OF ROSWELL via Facebook.

Roswell residents are promised a behind-the-scenes look at city government with the free, nine-week, City of Roswell Education and Engagement (CORE) Community Program. CITY OF ROSWELL via Facebook.

Roswell invites residents to a behind-the-scenes look at municipal government through its free, nine-week, City of Roswell Education and Engagement (CORE) Community Program.

Classes are to meet from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, March 13 to May 8 (no class April 3), beginning with a “Local Government 101” overview and ranging across topics including administration, community development, the police and fire departments, public works, and recreation and parks. Dinner will be provided.

A final session, on tourism/economic development, is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 18, with a tour, lunch and graduation.

CORE is limited to 25 participants, accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, who must be Roswell residents or owners of Roswell-registered businesses. Deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 22. For information and applications:

“Not only do we want to help bring awareness and understanding of the city’s day-to-day work through this program, but we hope the program’s personal interaction among participants and staff helps inspire meaningful relationships, engagement and collaboration within our community,” said City Administrator Gary Palmer.