Responding to what staff described as increased operating and capital costs for solid waste removal, recycling and yard waste collection, the Roswell City Council has approved a rate increase for sanitation services that takes effect Jan. 1.

The fee for standard residential garbage collection will go up by $3.98 a month, to $22.03. The council also approved adjustments to other residential and commercial rates, and annual adjustments of 3 percent each July 1, beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2023. The measure passed unanimously.

In related action, the council approved a seven-year, $2.9 million contract with Advanced Disposal Services LLC, for residential curbside recycling and yard waste collection and disposal services. Advanced, one of two responsive companies bidding for the contract, said it would buy about $3 million in new equipment to service Roswell.

The contract was approved 4-2, with Council Members Michael Palermo and Marcelo Zapata opposed.

Advanced will continued curbside collection of glass and recycling collection service every week; provide carts to replace bins, except for curbside exempt customers; make no changes to yard waste collection set-out limits; adjust Monday yard waste routes and make other changes to improve service; and sponsor two bulky trash amnesty days per calendar year.