Restaurant’s closing a blow to Avondale Estates’ downtown development

After barely 18 months, The Bishop restaurant in Avondale Estates’ Tudor Village announced Wednesday that its last day is Nov. 29. Owner Luellen Marshall, who opened in May 2014, said Wednesday her decision wasn’t impulsive.

“Avondale is charming,” she said, “but there aren’t many people coming here. I thought there’d be more development by now. I’m sure it will develop, but I was too early, and we simply aren’t getting the volume.”

The Bishop is the second business on North Avondale Road to recently announce it’s closing. Ray’s Indian Originals, operating since 1948 and on North Avondale since 1956 is closing Dec. 30. Owner Jonathan Belcher told the AJC, “The walk-in business has gotten worse and we can’t afford to keep the store going.”

There are roughly 20 undeveloped or underdeveloped acres in the city’s downtown area. Euramex Management has owned 15.77 of those acres for over a year, but has yet to make any public presentation of its development plans. In fact, city officials haven’t met with Euramex in nearly four months and no future meeting has yet been scheduled according to Mayor Jonathan Elmore.