Fulton Arts and Culture is looking for input from arts supporters in the county.
The organization has invited residents to review the draft of the Cultural Action Plan - A Framework for Strategic Change and Creativity, according to a press release.
This plan was developed over the past several months with public input. Earlier this year, stakeholders participated in a discussion group or interviews, providing thoughts, concerns and aspirations for arts, culture and creativity in Fulton County.
The Cultural Action Plan will guide the program and priorities for FCAC for the next five years. Organizers have said they would appreciate residents taking a few minutes to review the draft and provide thoughts and comments before it is finalized and forwarded to the Fulton County Arts Council and Board of Commissioners for review.
The link below will be directed respondents to a special website where they can read the draft plan and insert comments, concerns and questions. This link will be active through Dec. 1. All comments will be compiled and reviewed for a final draft of the plan to be presented to the Fulton Arts Council in mid-December.
View the draft plan: cpg.konveio.com
Questions: Deborah Broadous at deborah.broadous@fultoncountyga.gov, or (404) 612-5780.
Information: www.fultonarts.org
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