More than 40 single-family, owner-occupied, low-to-moderate-income households received housing rehab assistant during the last fiscal year from Henry County’s Community Development Block Grant program, according to a report approved Oct. 1 by the Henry County Board of Commissioners for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Approximately $1,211,504.47 of CDBG funds were expended on activities during the program year, according to county officials. Seven public service activities were completed providing services for the homeless, health and medical services, and youth services. Two public facilities and improvements projects were completed providing assistance to expand sidewalks in McDonough and to improve an existing park in the city of Hampton. Modernization improvements were completed on a total of 65 public housing units (25 with the Hampton Housing Authority and 40 with the McDonough Housing Authority). More than 8,000 individuals were assisted through activities such as food banks, clothing drives, local shelters and youth services.
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