The Cobb County Board of Commissioners approved a $245,509 contract on Dec. 17 with low bidder Glosson Enterprises for roadway improvements on Canton Road at Liberty Hill Road.

However, RaceTrac officials – along with representatives from Mountainprize, Inc. and Pepperwood, Inc. – have agreed to contribute about $35,509 for these improvements that are near the recently remodeled RaceTrac.

This intersection project is a part of the Canton Road Corridor Project, consisting of roadway and traffic operational improvements on Canton Road that begins at the Canton Road/Canton Road Connector intersection and ends at Jamerson Road.

Improvements will include the addition of turn lanes, raised medians, access revisions, sidewalks, signal upgrades and drainage improvements.

In April 2016, the Cobb commissioners approved a rezoning application for RaceTrac Petroleum to remodel and expand the existing RaceTrac store.

Also included were roadway improvements to allow for additional access to the existing traffic signal at the Canton Road and Liberty Hill Road intersection.

The Canton Road at Liberty Hill Road project consists of intersection improvements to include construction of a southbound deceleration/right-turn lane into the RaceTrac development, left-turn striping into the RaceTrac development and traffic signal modifications to the existing signal.

Funding will come from the 2016 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.