An online open house on the Powder Springs’ budget will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on May 21 by Mayor Al Thurman and the City Council.
Via Zoom, the meeting may be viewed by visiting and entering the Meeting ID: 976 9053 0604.
Another way is to call by phone at 1-929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID: 976 9053 0604.
Comments may be sent to
In her budget transmittal letter, City Manager Pam Conner said no increases are anticipated in taxes or fees in the $12.2 million budget.
Also, the city will maintain six months of operating reserves.
The full version of the 113-page Budget Book - to be presented to the Mayor and Council - may be downloaded at
A shorter 22-page version of the budget may be downloaded at
A final public hearing and vote are planned for June 1 by the Mayor and Council, with the Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) budget year to begin on July 1.
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