Former Marine recruiter Joshua Klohr says he now regrets stringing himself from a  ten-foot cross on Easter Sunday during Denver, Colorado's 4/20 celebration.

Klohr was kicked out of the Corps last year after complaining about his job. According to the Daily Mail,  Klohr's troubles started when he was working as a Marine recruiter in Boulder and having a hard time making goals. He says he refused to 'fraud' enlistees by ignoring certain factors that would make them inelligible for service. 

His superiors took that as him quitting, so he was sent to a court-martial trial and was found guilty of insubordination.

In protest for not being allowed to testify in his own defense and being kicked out of the service, Klohr decided to hang himself up on a cross near the Colorado state capital building. His stunt drew quite the crowd and pictures quickly made their way to social media.

After receiving some serious backlash, Klohr says he regrets the show. He could also face federal charges for wearing a Marine uniform when he is no longer a Marine.

But this wouldn't be the first time he's been in trouble. In 2005, when he was just 18, Klohr was charged with setting a cat on fire and throwing it off a roof. His records show he had also been expelled from school.