Peachtree Corners approves additional multi-use trail section

Peachtree Corners approves additional $59K to upgrade a sidewalk project on Technology Parkway to a 10-foot multi-use trail. Courtesy City of Peachtree Corners

Peachtree Corners approves additional $59K to upgrade a sidewalk project on Technology Parkway to a 10-foot multi-use trail. Courtesy City of Peachtree Corners

Peachtree Corners is in the process of sidewalk construction along Jay Bird Alley and Technology. The city agreed recently that Technology Parkway has the opportunity to serve as a main trunk line of the Technology Park area’s multi-use trail system. While the off-system trail options are still being pursued, the city can build a path along the shoulder of Technology Parkway quickly to serve as the first main segment of the trail.

A GDOT Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant funded the sidewalk construction project currently underway. The city council voted June 20 to approve $59,302 to upgrade the project from a 5-foot sidewalk to a 10-foot multi-use trail between approximately 280 Technology Parkway extending north to Spalding Drive.