Partnership Gwinnett forum helps businesses understand -- and manage -- device use at work

IT forum discusses personal devices in the workplace, a trend dubbed by some as Bring Your Own Device

Partnership Gwinnett will hosts a second Technology Forum from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Tuesday June 24, 2014 at Gwinnett Tech’s Cisco Auditorium, 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville.

The forum will discuss the consumerization of IT, a term used to describe how consumer-oriented technology is influencing employee demand and use of technology in business.

With the proliferation of personal devices entering the workplace, a trend known as Bring Your Own Device, organizations struggle with management and control of the devices, and how to balance workforce productivity with security policies to ensure sensitive data is protected.

Panelists for the event include representatives from Cisco, NCR, Time Warner and Gwinnett County Public Schools.
