Norcross has chosen an architectural services firm to design the renovation of the existing Norcross Branch Public Library at 6025 Buford Highway into a new police administration building.

The city received 22 proposals, 21 of which met the requirements laid out in the request for proposal. CROFT & Associates was the highest ranked firm with a proposed cost of $153,700. The design phase of the project is funded by the 2014 SPLOST program.

The 2017 SPLOST program currently includes $970,000 in funding toward this project, which includes design and a portion of construction.

This contract will include construction cost estimation, development of a comprehensive project manual of specifications and all construction documents needed for public bidding of the construction project. Design plans will include interior demolition, site renovations, erosion control, and tree protection/landscape design. Norcross has an established Green Building policy which will be reflected in the future design.