The jackpot for Tuesday’s Mega Millions lottery climbed to $64 million after no players matched all six numbers in Friday night’s game, while the holder of a $77 million Powerball ticket sold in Georgia back in June has still not stepped forward to claim that prize.
The Mega Millions numbers drawn Friday were 22, 28, 42, 49, and 54, and the “Mega Ball” was 43.
The top prize for Saturday night’s Powerball multi-state lottery is $25 million.
According to lottery officials, the winner of the June 29 Powerball jackpot won by a ticket sold at a truck stop along I-20 in west Georgia has still not come forward, and the clock is ticking on the deadline for claiming that $77 million jackpot. Lottery winners have 180 days to claim prizes, and it’s been 150 days since that drawing.
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