Chinese restaurant that closed after failed health check re-inspected

Chinese Buddha in Midtown has failed three health inspections in less than a year.

Chinese Buddha in Midtown has failed three health inspections in less than a year.

UPDATE: This restaurant was re-inspected Friday and received a 98/B.

The report noted two violations: “equipment or utensils not designed or constructed in a durable manner” and “wrong tile used to repair hole in ceiling.”

ORIGINAL (published March 23): A Chinese restaurant has voluntarily closed after failing its third health inspection in less than a year, with officials noting trash floating in a pitcher of water.

Chinese Buddha, located in Midtown, scored a 39/U following the Wednesday evaluation; 69 and below is considered failing. It also failed in June and November 2016.

According to this week’s report, there was cooked chicken in a container with no lid inside a walk-in cooler. Larger containers of cleaned lettuce were also stored without lids.

Officials also reported observing an employee eating in the kitchen and employees not washing their hands after touching dirty equipment handles. Inspectors also noted dented cans and a food-encrusted vegetable slicer placed in a storage closet.

Calls to the restaurant were not answered Thursday.

The restaurant may reopen after receiving a passing score from the health department.

Chinese Buddha

100 10th St NW

Atlanta, GA 30309

Score: 39

Read the full report here.