A U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned a conviction against former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling is about to help a once-powerful South Georgia judge.

In 2009, Brooks Blitch III pleaded guilty to honest services fraud and was sentenced to probation and fined $100,000. In a recent filing, federal prosecutors conceded Blitch's conviction must be vacated in light of the high court's ruling last year in Skilling’s case. Blitch cannot seek judicial office again because of a consent agreement he reached with the state Judicial Qualifications Commission. BILL RANKIN


A quarterly award has been created by State School Superintendent John Barge to recognize teachers who have had a significant impact on a student's life. The award is named for Monty Fountain, who taught Barge at Alexander High School in Douglas County and on Wednesday became the first Fountain Award recipient. "One of the first things I wanted to do after being elected last year was name an award after Mr. Fountain and give others the opportunity to nominate teachers who helped shape their lives for the better," Barge said. To nominate a current or former teacher contact Keisha Ford-Jenrette at kford@gadoe.org. NANCY BADERTSCHER


Georgia was one of the top-scoring states in a first-of-its kind study rating states on how they teach students about the Civil Rights Movement. The Southern Poverty Law Center gave Georgia a grade of B based on the center’s examination of the state standards and curriculum requirements in all 50 states as they relate to study of the Civil Rights Movement. Only three states received As, and a majority – 35 – were given Fs. Alabama, New York and Florida were found to do the best job, though the study authors said even they had room to improve. NANCY BADERTSCHER


County by county


Someone in your neighborhood deserves a pat on the back. Find out who. B5

Best in Class

Students, teachers who set the bar high in the classroom. B4