Teachers and staff in Marietta City Schools are expected to receive pay increases with no tax hike proposed for Marietta residents.

For certified teachers, the average increase would be 4.2 percent for teachers and 3.7 percent for other certified.

Classified positions would receive an average increase of 3.7 percent, including transportation, paraprofessional, clerical and lunchroom.

School nurses, supplied by Cobb Douglas Public Health, would receive a pay increase to $44 an hour.

The millage rate is proposed to stay at 17.97 - the same as it has been for the last two years.

Local funding should be $48 million or 53 percent of the total revenue; $41 million from the state or 45 percent of the total; and $2.2 million from other sources for a total expected revenue of $91.4 million.

The difference of around $3.8 million between the $91.4 million revenue and $95.2 million expenditures would be paid by the fund balance.

A public hearing and final adoption of the 2017 general fund budget are scheduled for June 21.