Marietta city officials are seeking community input on possible changes to the downtown area during a meeting from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Custer Park Sports at Fitness Center, 545 Kenneth Marcus Way, Marietta.

Through a Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) grant, the city of Marietta is developing a master plan for the downtown area - much more than the Historic Marietta Square - titled Envision Marietta: Livable Centers Initiative Study.

This study is an update to the original 2001 LCI Study, according to a city statement.

The city’s Economic Development Department is sponsoring this design workshop and working with consultants to develop this master plan.

Once adopted by the Marietta City Council, this master plan will be used as a tool to help guide future growth and development within the downtown area.

The plan will focus on “creating a more vibrant, walkable and livable community” for Downtown Marietta and adjacent mixed-use areas, according to the city statement.

Also, input is sought through a 35-question online survey that should take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.


Information: Marietta Project Manager Courtney Verdier at