When company research found that receiving an unexpected bouquet of flowers would make someone smile, Teleflora launched an initiative 12 years ago to spread smiles nationwide. Called Make Someone Smile Week, the program was held during the week of July 22-28 this year. The flower wire service, partnered with local florists, delivered over 20,000 bouquets to hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and through the Meals on Wheels program.
"You are in a tough situation, and when I received this bouquet, it just made my day," said Crystal Coffman, a patient at Shepherd Medical Center. "Someone is thinking about you, even if they don't know you. It makes a huge difference and helps you get through the day." Coffman suffered a spinal cord injury from a car accident in May.
Over 150 patients at the Shepherd Medical Center smiled because of deliveries from Sherry Moon, owner of Buckhead Wright's Florist.
"Flowers are very comforting," said Moon, who has participated with the week since its inception. "There are people who don't receive anything or get any visitors. As a florist, when I see that smile personally, it just makes what I do even more worth it."
The program stretches over 198 cities with a team of 1,000 florists that hand-arrange the bouquets. Since the week launched in 2000, the initiative has delivered over 300,000 bouquets throughout the communities each florist serves.
"We want to support the local community, and with Make Someone Smile Week, not only do the florists get to give back, but they get a chance to see the impact of their hard work," said Rich Salvaggio, Teleflora's vice president of Industry Relations and Floral Publications.
When it comes to volunteering, Moon encourages people in the community to get involved. "Anyone can get involved by helping to make arrangements, with deliveries, and so much more," she said. "You get to know these patients, spend some time with them, and make friendships. It is truly a wonderful experience."
And when it is not Make Someone Smile Week, "check with hospitals to see who does not get any visitors [nor] has any family nearby," added Coffman. "Visit them because they just need a friend."
To get involved with Make Someone Smile Week, visit www.teleflora.com
In Other News: Award-winning singer and songwriter Ne-Yo donated The Compound Foundation Recording Studio to the CHRIS Kids Clubhouse on July 27. The recording studio will aim to serve as a creative outlet allowing children to heal, grow and learn. CHRIS Kids is an Atlanta-based nonprofit focused on child welfare and behavioral health care. The Compound Foundation, founded by Ne-Yo, is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting youth in foster care and group home placement, encouraging entrepreneurship and empowering foster kids to control their own destiny.
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