Publications created by Accent Creative Group for Lawrenceville and Duluth have received Communicator Awards from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA). AIVA is made up of over 600 professionals that come from various departments of visual arts that want to guide the growth of traditional and interactive media. AIVA members come from prominent media, advertising and marketing firms such as Purematter, MTV, Disney, Starbucks, Yahoo! and others.
“We are extremely proud to recognize the work received for the 24th Annual Communicator Awards. This year’s class of entries embodies the ever-evolving marketing and communications industry,” said AIVA’s director, Derek Howard.
Lawrenceville’s Economic Development Booklet and Duluth’s Life Magazine Spring 2018 issue were both recognized with an Award of Distinction. Accent Creative Group was additionally the recipient of another Award of Distinction for their Hemophilia of Georgia Annual Report.
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