As part of the requirements for the use and distribution of SPLOST funds, each city is required to issue an annual report of original estimated project costs, current estimated costs, prior years’ expenditures, current year expenditures, and the total amount expended for each project.

At the end of December, Lawrenceville released its annual report for 2009 and 2014 SPLOST funding. Highlights for 2009 SPLOST funding include $5.2 million of an original estimated $11.3 million for roads and bridges, and $6.4 million of an original estimated $6.9 million for public safety and equipment has been spent thus far.

Reporting for the 2014 SPLOST funds indicates $517,445 has been spent of an estimated $1.5 million budgeted for parks and recreation, including historical preservation and cultural arts. A total of $3.8 million of an estimated $13.45 million for transportation improvements has been spent.

The report indicates these funds will be expended on designated projects until complete. View the complete report at