Lawrenceville will launch its second annual ‘Summer of Impact’ internship program, designed to develop local students’ skill sets and build a legacy of leadership in the city. Officials will hold a ‘Signing Day,’ at 3:30 p.m. April 30 at Central Gwinnett High School for invited employers, parents and friends.

Summer of Impact, is an eight-week internship program designed to enhance student abilities and provide real work experience. Twenty rising juniors/seniors, and graduated students have been selected from an initial group of 60 students for positions within the city’s Communications/Community Development and Public Works Departments, Impact46/Path Project, Peach State Federal Credit Union, Shuma Sports, Aurora Theatre, PureFun, and many more.

The internship program leverages the eight weeks of summer to impact Lawrenceville’s local businesses, government, schools, neighborhoods, churches and non-profits. The selected students will also have the opportunity to participate in leadership development training through Impact46, as well as participate in various local activities throughout the summer.