Lawrenceville is forming a Financial Review Citizens Committee to educate citizens, business owners, and community leaders on the financial operations of the city. The city hopes to ultimately encourage input into budgetary process in order to create better transparency with the public.

“We, as a city, want to be sure our plans continue to meet the needs of residents and businesses, share how we are investing the funds we receive and continue executing the goals of our strategic plan,” said City Manager Chuck Warbington. “Financial planning is where it all begins and we look forward to working with the group appointed to this committee on making those things happen.”

The committee will be made of 15 members that include five residents, five business representatives and five community leaders. Residents and business representatives will be appointed by the mayor and council, each responsible for appointing one resident and one business rep to the committee. The remaining five community leaders will be selected by the mayor and approved by the council.

Community leaders may come from faith-based institutions, non-profits or similar organizations within city limits. At present, terms for all appointments will not exceed two years.

A call for nominations will be held after the State of the City Address Feb. 6 at City Hall, 70 S. Clayton St. Information: