The Lawrenceville City Council recently awarded two contracts for storm system drain replacement.

CMES, Inc. was the lowest of 5 bidders for the Hanarry Drive (North) project at $263,173. This project includes demolition and removal of the existing storm drain system and installation of a new drain system using HDPE pipe that will tie-in to existing structures. The project will also include the installation of a curb and gutter.

A & S Paving, Inc. was the lowest of 4 bidders for the work at 1021 Henry Terrace for a total of $103,840. This project also includes demolition and removal of the existing CMP storm drainpipes and replacement with HDPE and RCP pipes in the storm water drain system. The project will also include the installation of a 48-inch pre-cast head wall and 24 inches of curb and gutter.