Grayson residents have until Oct. 1 to place an order for bricks honoring veterans for fall installation before Veterans Day. In 2016, Grayson re-dedicated the memorial with the installation of more than 50 new bricks with the same laser engraving and style as the original bricks.

Bricks are four inches by eight inches with up to three lines of type of 20 characters each. Commemorative bricks are $50 each and will be installed before Veterans Day, Nov. 11. A commemorative brick may also be purchased for the home for $40 or a 1.5-inch by 3-inch “mini brick” is available with the same inscription for $15. Keepsake certificates with three lines of type and installation date are available for purchase as gifts.

Information: Heather Hosch at 770-963-8017 or e-mail