As we slog through jury selection at the Justin Ross Harris trial in Cobb County, the question may've occurred to you. Let's say you're one of the lucky 12 chosen to form a jury of Harris's peers. What do you get for that, other than the satisfaction of serving your community?

Twenty-five bucks a day, plus free parking near the Cobb County Courthouse AND use of the county’s wifi signal!

Of course, you’re not serving on the jury for the money, or the wifi. But if the Harris trial ran for a total of eight weeks – 40 days in court, give or take – you could bring home a cool $1,000.

Under the law, your employer can’t fire you for taking off work to serve as a juror. But neither is your employer required to pay you while you’re not working. Many do, turning jury service into a sort of paid holiday that’s not much fun. Some don’t pay, though, turning jury service into a financial burden for some. (Judges often excuse people from service when they'll incur serious financial hardships.)

State law provides that the county must pay jurors not less than $5 and not more than $50 a day for service. Here, according to the counties' websites, is daily juror compensation by county in metro Atlanta:

  • Coweta: $50 a day
  • Gwinnett: $30
  • Cobb: $25
  • Fulton: $25
  • Cherokee: $25
  • DeKalb: $15 the first day, $25 thereafter
  • Fayette: $9 the first three days, $25 thereafter

Some also pay mileage for the trip back and forth to the courthouse.