For area motorists still unfamiliar with the concept, Johns Creek has produced a "Navigating Roundabouts" video and posted it to YouTube.
“Roundabouts are significantly safer than traditional intersections,” with a 90 percent lower mortality rate than traditional intersections, “but their safety is limited to each driver’s understanding of how to navigate through them,” the city says in an introduction to the 1-minute 40-second public service spot.
Among the rules: Always yield to drivers already circling the roundabout; as traffic flows counterclockwise around the circle, wait until all cars have passed; when there’s no more incoming traffic on your immediate left, enter the roundabout and keep moving until you reach your exit.
Johns Creek currently has four roundabouts: Sargent Road at Lexington Woods Drive; Sargent at Crossington Road; Bell Road at Boles Road; and Bell at Bellmore Park Lane. Information:
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