Johns Creek has announced it will roll back its millage rate for property tax purposes to 3.870 mills for 2018 from 4.360 mills last year, and has scheduled three public hearings to give residents a chance to comment on the proposed rate.

Hearings are set for noon and 6 p.m., July 23, and 8 p.m., Aug. 13, at the Municipal Court, 11445 Johns Creek Parkway. The City Council is expected to adopt the final millage rate for 2018 at its Aug. 13 meeting.

“Based on the anticipated rate of collection of 97 percent, the total receipts from a 3.870 millage rate would be $16.4 million, which is lower than the city’s adopted budget for the current year property tax revenue of $16.7 million,” the city said in announcing the rollback.