Gwinnett Commissioners recently agreed to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Braselton to use joint 2017 SPLOST funds for a major roadway project. Construction will extend the westbound turn lane on Thompson Mill Road at its intersection with Autumn Maple Drive.

Gwinnett Department of Transportation will manage this project. Braselton will reimburse the county $123,500, or 19 percent of the 2017 SPLOST project costs. Gwinnett will contribute a total of $526,500.

The county’s financial contribution is be limited to pay for items necessary to construct the transportation improvement, including asphalt, concrete, curb and gutter, grading, drainage, intersection and traffic signal upgrades (crosswalks, pedestrian actuated countdown timers, and handicap ramps). Gwinnett will not reimburse for items considered by the county to be enhancements such as landscaping, decorative lighting, way finding signage and benches.