Gwinnett Transit adds sweeper buses to all downtown express routes

Gwinnett Transit has added three new sweeper buses to all downtown express routes. Courtesy Gwinnett Transit

Gwinnett Transit has added three new sweeper buses to all downtown express routes. Courtesy Gwinnett Transit

Gwinnett County Transit has added three new sweeper buses to all downtown express schedules. GC Transit has Express Service into downtown and midtown that runs from three Park and Ride lots in Gwinnett. These routes run in the morning and afternoon peak travel times.

Previously, 2:15 p.m. was the earliest pickup for someone riding the Sugarloaf Mills route back from downtown. The sweeper bus will now allow for a 1:45 p.m. departure from that same stop.

“These buses provide service for folks who need an earlier or later bus option in the afternoons,” said Gwinnett County Transit Division Director Karen Winger.

The sweeper buses will return passengers from all three Park and Ride lots, she said, providing additional flexibility. The CDC/Emory Express Service now has additional trips to serve both Park and Ride lots at Sugarloaf Mills and Indian Trail Road.
