Georgia’s largest school system, Gwinnett County Public Schools, kicks off a new school year soon with more than 180,000 students. To ensure that students get off to a great start, members of Gwinnett’s 12Stone Church sponsored a school supply drive that collected more than 23,000 in donated items, including book bags, composition subject notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters, hand sanitizers, binders, calculators and more.

GCPS locations where students will receive supplies include Meadowcreek Elementary, International Transition Center, Rockbridge Elementary, Baldwin Elementary, Sweetwater Middle, Radloff Middle, Berkmar Middle, Richards Middle, Meadowcreek High, Berkmar High, Central Gwinnett High, Give East, and Give West.

“It is an honor to help children in our community,” expressed Jaclyn Hurst with Outreach Ministries of 12 Stone, She also added a special thank you to the Central Gwinnett High School basketball team for their contribution to this project. “These young men and their coach, Eddie Hood, (along with GCPS Foundation staffers) took time out of their summer break to sort and pack the donations, working tirelessly in the heat for no other reason than to serve others. That is what it is all about!”

Additional donations are needed. Interested groups and individuals may contact Donna Zimmer at 678-301-7287 or