The Gwinnett County Police Department Records Unit will be re-opening July 1 at three police precincts. The effort is designed to make records more readily available to the public. Up until now, citizens could only retrieve police records in person at Police Headquarters in Lawrenceville or online.
Beginning July 1, Records Unit staff will be available 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday in the lobbies of the West Precinct at 6160 Crescent Drive in Norcross, the South Precinct at 2180 Stone Drive in Lilburn, and the Central Precinct at 3125 Satellite Boulevard in Duluth.
Visitors may obtain copies of police reports, accident reports, and criminal histories. People can also start the application process for record restrictions.
Plans are in place to open the North and East Precincts in the near future. The Bay Creek Precinct, which is currently under construction, will also likely offer the same services.
Records requests remain available at GCPD Headquarters, 770 Hi Hope Road in Lawrenceville. Open Records Request Forms:
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