For the first time ever, the Gwinnett County Police Department will hold an active shooter response class for the general public.

The class will be held at 6 p.m. Aug. 18 in the auditorium of the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville.

GCPD spokeswoman Cpl. Michele Pihera said the department has held similar classes for community groups and businesses in the past, but the upcoming event will be the first open to everyone. It comes after "several" recent requests for such an offering, Pihera said.

The Snellville Police Department offered similar training earlier this year, and several other Atlanta-area jurisdictions have done so as well.

Gwinnett's course will be taught by the department crime prevention unit and feature curriculum provided by Advanced Law Enforecement Rapid Response Training. No advanced sign up is required.

The course will also be recorded and available online at a later date.

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