Gwinnett County air quality acceptable, but concerning amid drought

Poor air quality in metro Atlanta peaked Monday night amid weeks of drought and wildfires in Georgia.

Poor air quality in metro Atlanta peaked Monday night amid weeks of drought and wildfires in Georgia.

With drought conditions worsening in much of the state, the air quality in metro Atlanta has suffered.

Poor air quality levels in Gwinnett County and much of the state peaked between Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Gwinnett’s air quality level reached 110 early Thursday afternoon, meaning the air quality is unhealthy for sensitive groups. Those, "with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion pollutants."

Older adults and children may not want to spend a lot of time outside.

The Environmental Protection Agency measures how healthy the air is through the Air Quality Index. Levels above 150 are considered unhealthy.

Weeks of wildfires in North Georgia have torched about 25,000 acres.