57 Fulton County sex offenders arrested

County, state and federal law enforcement officers have arrested almost 60 sex offenders in Fulton County, some for having weapons or other new crimes and some for simply not complying with the rules of their freedom.

By the end of the three-day sweep on Thursday, 57 sex offenders had been taken to jail and 61 warrants were served. Officers seized 37 firearms and other weapons.

Operation Heatwave involved the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office; state prison, parole and probation officers; and the U.S. Marshals Service.

Unlike previous “roundups,” officers were verifying the sex offenders were living where they said they were living, and whether they were in compliance with their curfews. Some were arrested for violating their probations, but some of them also faced new charges.

One of those arrested, Marvin Burley, was taken into custody after weapons were found during his compliance check, according to authorities. Law enforcement officers said the 47- years-old, convicted in Gwinnett County of aggravated child molestation, had several knives, a samurai sword, a stun gun, and a semi-automatic handgun. Burley was charged with possession of a firearm by a felon.

Jeffery Bernard Grier, 27, was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and theft of a firearm by receiving. He had already been convicted of child molestation, narcotics and weapons charges.